Political News of the Day: Orlando Mayor Colonial Agenda 2023 Continues By Fraud
The Calendar Year 2024 marks the year for change and progression in adversity to the Orlando Mayor Colonial Agenda 2023 in the corporate State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA colony administration. With John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer somehow still acting in Color-of-Office, while fraudulent "voter" polls claims that he "won" the 2023 alleged [Mayor] election. Consequently, many competent people already realize the political scams in dealing with fake "voter polls" numbers, simply to feign a fair election process, while political culprits "rig" so-called elections consisting of colonial frauds never working in the interest of the natural people. Due to the fact that aboriginal and indigenous peoples of said 'African-descent', who are the true Al Moroccans / Americans and copper-complexion natives in the area, have been speaking out against the colonial corruption (no matter how few have actually been active), enough indigenous peoples "voice" has been made over the last two (2) years alone, to demand the estate restoration change. There is no said 'government' consisting of any colonial body politic of Caucasians / Europeans (administered by persons like John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer), since corporations cannot be government under the extreme conflict of interests derived from corporations having the ONLY interest in profiteering by extreme financial extortion of any land / estate, where such colonial corporate occupation takes place. In the case that the corporate UNITED STATES / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC and its collusive corporate colonial States have been deceiving many rightful heirs to the estate at North America for over one-hundred seventy (170) years, to date, the de facto and void ab initio operations must be defunded from all of the extreme Federal Reserve notes / Voucher system that has been holding the North Gate Estate / North America hostage against all rightful heirs to the estate, by colonialism profiteering to the extreme. Even if there are many rightful heirs to the estate still incompetent and unconscious to their land / estate entitlements and lawful status to rapidly end corporate colonialism, the few thousand (or even few hundred) conscious aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent' in the territory is more than enough to declare immediate removal of political colonial frauds, working against the rightful heirs to the estate, from the Flores territory [misnomer State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA] by international law standards (i.e. United Nations Charter Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - 2007 [A.D.]). The John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer colonial administration believes that they will continue the fraud, while bolstering the colonial military regime known to be the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT and the COUNTY OF ORANGE SHERIFF'S OFFICE INC (feigning as Constitutional Sheriff's; only supporting tourism and consumerism commerce for extreme profiteering endeavors against the estate). In addition, it has been also known that the John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer colonial administration has been attacking rightful heirs in the immediate area, who have been speaking out against the severe corruption, by having them followed-around (gang stalked) and spied upon by CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT employees, COUNTY OF ORANGE SHERIFF'S OFFICE employees, and other U.S. (Unum Sanctum - *See papal bulls references) Citizen employees pretending to have status as corporate 'Straw-Men' operating under a dead fiction political platform (for commerce profiteering) and military occupation for usurpation and estate escheatment only.
Original Article Date: 25 November 2023 [A.D.]
Photo of John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer who is still pretending to be alleged [Mayor] to the CITY OF ORLANDO colony corporation, under the corporate STATE OF FLORIDA colony administration fraud. He has spent the past twenty (20) years fraudulently administering a colony on North American soil, which has only catered to Caucasian / European Federal Reserve note spending to the extreme through the colony, which supports foreign refugees as naturalized citizens pretending to be "White" people by legal status (not skin complexion) against any and all aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans (American natives) of said 'African-descent' on North American soil. The political scandals, conducted by John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer and ALL of his supporters (including compromised persons of said 'African-descent'), have kept the rightful heirs to the estate from peacefully and politically unifying for apparent estate restoration. In addition, he has been attacking rightful heirs to the estate, who have been extremely impoverish and literally forced to the 'streets' due to colonizing "Squatters" continually stealing the land / estate through corporate 'fee simple' real estate fraud mechanisms and fraudulent colonial legalese paperwork administered through every corporate County of / COUNTY OF operation throughout the colonial State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA administration. This is the reality of what takes place at North America today, in adversity to political culprits (like John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer) pretending to do anything good for the rightful heirs to the estate.
Since the Calendar Year 2003 [A.D.], the corporate CITY OF ORLANDO Mayor colonial agenda 2023 administration persons, who still fraudulently play a serious part in continued estate escheatment against aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans, the organic territory has undergone severe colonialism changes. Such changes have included the creation of hybrid Caucasians / Europeans (whether impoverished or financially well-off), by the ongoing mixing of bloodlines (corruption of blood agendas by colonizers) between natural people of said 'African-descent' and Caucasian / European colonizers having lust and seduction interloping relationships, along with fraudulent trend-setting "mixed" relationships programming agendas through media (mainly tell-lie-vision and Internet). The agendas have always been meant to corrupt the bloodlines of any and all aboriginal and indigenous people with high national status upon the organic estate(s) being fraudulently occupied by not only colonizers, but also by political frauds of said 'African-descent', who have been helping colonizers since the 1800s (and prior).
What public society at North America (throughout the Flores [misnomer State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA] territory) has been witnessing for years now, is the political colonial processes that have migrated Spanish-speaking frauds (like hybrid Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, Colombians, Argentinians, Venezuelans, Cubans, etc., etc.) to North America via colonial administered sea ports and airports along the eastern borders of North America (mainly Flores [misnomer State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA]). The migrants / foreigners / tourists / consumers from such other countries, have been deceitfully welcomed to North America via enslaving 'Green Cards' / 'VISAS', etc., issued through the UNITED STATES / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC, pretending to be 'government' and setting the stage for the war-like conditions of touring colonizers from other countries and territories, teaming-up by political fraud and deception, to keep oppressing and persecuting the rightful heirs to the estate of said 'African-descent'. The competent aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent' have observed carefully over the years, as the colonizers continued to infiltrate the organic lands by hostile commerce, tourism and consumerism through the corporate State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA colony administration in the form of alleged "hospitality", which was never for the rightful heirs, but created for Caucasians / Europeans and their hybrid children / offspring to enjoy plentiful by corporate commerce fraud.
The rightful heirs to the estate have been witnessing the extreme influxes in Spanish-speaking persons overtaking the estate throughout the Flores territory [misnomer State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA] by such foreigners taking-on corporate control positions (like
Restaurant Manager persons, City Council persons, Banking Fraud Associations persons, and other political positions that allow such foreigners to get their "foot in the door" to play their corrupted political roles to empower their colonizing counterparts / progeny against their rightful heirs to the estate, who have been forced into extreme poverty under the colonial circumstances. Many rightful heirs to the estate have been forced to the streets due specifically to colonizers setting up (or having already had in place) corporations to control the corporate-based consumerism economies that cater to Federal Reserve note spending and false doctrine (guised as Christianity) to keep the rightful heirs subdued from reaching consciousness after over five hundred (500) years of colonizing North America and committing extreme acts of genocide and crimes against humanity against any and all upright and rightful heirs to the estate, who have always been the aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent'.
The average Caucasian / European / hybrid colonizer throughout the Flores territory [misnomer State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA] has absolutely no care in the world for the rightful heirs to the estate, who the majority still believe themselves to be a crayon color due to centuries of mental abuse (psychological warfare) against copper-complexion natives of said 'African-descent' at North America. Foreigners (many Spanish-speaking) have continued to usurp the resources belonging specifically to the rightful heirs to the estate, due to the plethora of corporate networking established to continue to escheat the estate against the rightful heirs (i.e. Walmart, Target, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's, I-Drive (International Drive - Orlando, Florida), Disney, Universal Orlando Resorts, and any other popular mainstream corporation empowering colonialism by hostile industry takeovers of the estate, accompanied by aggressive Federal Reserve notes spending by colonizing foreigners indulging in the estate against the true Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent'.
The John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer colony administration, has been nothing less than "poison" to the estate, as he has sustained corporate control through his various financial interests / profiteering endeavors (like MCO International Airport / Orlando International Airport) against the North Gate Estate / North America, which contributes to the parent corporation: UNITED STATES / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC via not only "Sales", but the fraudulent tax tithing (forced financial contributions to Rome) system imposed fraudulently against all rightful heirs to the estate and the foreign colonists occupying and / or squatting upon the land and financially contributing to the colonial fraud by tourism, consumerism, and extreme spending via the Federal Reserve Note Banking System international bankers, who have kept the estate hostage by financial military control since the 1933 [A.D.] when the original colonial "Republic" body politic (i.e. united States Congress / Trustees) adjourned (as in left without lawful return to the fiduciary duties / obligations they have been bound to) in Sine Die. The estate has since been operated by colonizing corporate administrators pretending to be a said 'government' in favor of the people. Such fraud and deception has evolved over the past ninety (90) years, while Caucasian / European political frauds have built up a global military that persecutes and oppresses the world, directly from the North Gate Estate, without any conscious, knowing, willing, or competent authorization, nor permission, from any conscious, knowledgeable, well-studied in true history, scholarly, and upright Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent', who have always been the heirs to the estate, yet extremely oppressed and intentionally subverted by colonial occupying frauds posing as "Senators", "House of Representatives", "Legislators", "Judges", "Governors", "Mayors", and even "Presidents"... all for the sake of continuing the fraud and deception against he rightful heirs to the North Gate Estate / North America and calling it [Democracy], by reverse psychology, and alleging it to be "in favor of the people", who have been brainwashed (mainly people of said 'African-descent') all over North American soil.
There is no public and mainstream corporate-run (or driven or derived) operation on North American soil today (i.e. retail stores, pharmaceutical retailers, convenient stores, cell phone companies, restaurants, real estate agencies, staffing agencies, banks, clothing stores, automobile dealerships, apartment complexes, gas stations, technology retailers, so-called 'charity' organizations, alleged [homeless] shelters, church organizations, States, Counties, Cities, etc., etc.), who are not a part of the UNITED STATES / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC overthrow of the aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent', since the original infiltration around 1492 [A.D.] with the alleged "Christopher Columbus" persons story, pretending to have "Discovered" (Doctrine of Discovery reference) North America. The colonial Christianity agenda, implemented specifically by the historical Jesuits of Rome (the original red man / albion proclaiming "Jesus" - the "White" son idol god fiction and alleged saviour of all of humanity) and stemmed from the Nicean Constantinople loyalists / colonists from Rome and Angla-land (England - Home of the original Caucasians / Europeans), who made historical war conquests all over the world, destroying aboriginal and indigenous nations of the Earth and forcefully taking over their lands after such victorious wars.
To this very day, the colonizing Caucasians / Europeans have made North America their military staging ground for absolute fraud, usurpation, crimes against humanity, acts of genocide, and overall estate escheatment, which has already led to global wars caused by specifically by them, for generations. Even the public wars that people witness today in the media, comes from the very corporate colonizing foundations created by Caucasians / Europeans fraudulently occupying North America and their hybrid bloodline offspring (which includes the many Spanish Inquisition-speaking frauds occupying and / or touring Flores [misnomer State of Florida / STATE OF FLORIDA]), while watching natural people of said 'African-descent' be undercompensated financially in their corporate-induced "job" positions by enslaving corporations like McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc., be extremely impoverished under the hostile colonial industry circumstances, guised as "hospitality", catering only to Caucasian / European / hybrid foreigners spending Federal Reserve notes / credits / cryptocurrencies at North America contributing to the fraud, and be constant victims of extreme acts genocide by famine, biological warfare, psychological warfare, fraudulent military control (via Police / POLICE - alleged Sheriff / SHERIFF persons), alleged [homelessness], and the like... all for the total enjoyment of colonizers extremely indulging-in and living-off of the estate belonging to the aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent'. The 2024 Calendar Year looks truly grim for colonizers with the karmic outcomes that they have collectively caused for themselves and all foreigners who have been helping them keep the rightful heirs to the estate enslaved and impoverished to the extreme, while realistically not willing to be corporate constructs on paper slaves, mental slaves, spiritual slaves, or physical slaves for the public record, regardless if there are those of said 'African-descent' who have direct or indirect allegiance to Caucasian / European colonialism fraud and deception at North America.
This author of this article post chooses to remain anonymous, but does hold the intellectual property rights of all written material to this post and does have any lawful claim for plagiarism or copyright infringement - Moroccan Press Team