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Florida Gang Stalking Crackdowns

Problematic Gang Stalking Agents Continue Corporate Espionage and Spying on Estate Heirs

Corporate Agents Throughout Florida Providing Co-Intel For Commercial Mercenary Activities

The CITY OF ORLANDO, STATE OF FLORIDA is known for much suspicious and aggregated historical activities towards aboriginal and indigenous natives to the land and recent years of Florida Gang Stalking has become a severe problem. With extensive colonization throughout the STATE OF FLORIDA, due specifically to hostile commercial industry colonizers who refuse to Cease & Desist untoward activities against active heirs to the North Gate Estate / North America. The Al Moroccans near the CITY OF ORLANDO have been working peacefully towards full estate restoration, while under the impoverished colonial conditions by the Doctrine of Discovery plight validated by the Vatican back on March 30, 2023 [A.D.] when Pope Francis made clear in a Public Press release the dilemmas by the natural peoples of said "African-descent", who have been estate escheatment victims for centuries at North America. Such estate escheatment by the Doctrine of Discovery historically implemented by former Popes of Rome, initiated hostile commerce at North America, to various degrees, conducted by Caucasians / Europeans and their various helpers, including helpers of said "African-descent" at North America.

Florida Gang Stalkers

Photo captured of a gang stalker caught-in-the-act of sitting in a McDonald's parking lot off of INTERNATIONAL DRIVE (I-DRIVE), CITY OF ORLANDO, STATE OF FLORIDA, abusing technology, and spying on a known heir to the estate in the area conducting themselves peacefully through humanitarian activities. This particular gang stalker has been seen all throughout CENTRAL STATE OF FLORIDA by the investigative heir. It has been noted of the type of vehicle this gang stalker has been operating (regardless if they change). Apparently, it is this gang stalker and others like him who have triggered the cosmic crackdown of fraudulent Florida gang stalking harassment and activities against aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans of said 'African-descent' at North America. This photo was captured on 6 August 2024 [A.D.} between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time [EDT].

Original Article Date: 6 August 2024 [A.D.]

Gang stalking crackdowns have begun more thoroughly throughout the STATE OF FLORIDA co-intel commercial mercenary fraud against rightful heirs to the estate, who have been staking lawful and valid estate and land claims and conducting themselves honourably in full estate restoration activities. The aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans of said 'African-descent', who are the true and rightful heirs to the North Gate Estate / North America by bloodline descent, have already spent approximately two hundred (200) years under hostile commercial industry takeover by Caucasian / European extreme colonizers at North America. The addition of gang stalking activities by incompetent persons of various mixed bloodlines (mainly Caucasian / European), who have been hired often by STATE OF, CITY OF, or COUNTY OF persons in their professional or private capacities, in pursuit of detrimental harassment towards heirs who have been active upon their estate to purport full estate restoration for the rightful Al Moroccans of said 'African-descent', after centuries of absolute oppression and persecution upon their own lands.

In recent years, gang stalking activities have spiked due to arrogant frauds taking part in colonialism at North America, who do not want to give up what they have fraudulently and deceptively obtained by estate escheatment operations that have financially gained such perpetrators trillions in Federal Reserve Notes (debt notes) and acres upon acres of stolen land over decades of malfeasance and misprision of treason against the copper-complexion Al Moroccans of said 'African-descent'. The rightful heirs have spent decades under fraudulent subjugation by colonizing Caucasians / Europeans and their helpers, with their end goals having resulted in extreme public miseducation for the public record, centuries of human trafficking based upon fraudulent prisoner of war camps (disguised as jails and / or correctional facilities), and fraudulent foreign negotiable instruments having been perpetrated against the estate. This has caused severe conflicts of interest against the rightful heirs to the estate, who began speaking out publicly again back in 2008 [A.D.], concerning the issues with the hostile estate takeover in Mother Treaty violations. Caucasians / Europeans (and their helpers) at North America, have refused to correct any real issues in favour of the rightful heirs to the estate. Instead, Caucasians / Europeans continue to conduct hostile and fraudulent financial-gaining platforms (like churches, major resource retailers, taxation agencies, etc.) to continue funding their military operations at North America, even after owners to the UNITED STATES INC corporation specifically told the naturalized citizens and squatters on North American soil, to completely Cease & Desist (* See General Civil Orders issued by direct Attorney to Pope Francis).

The abuses by co-intel operations using their ill-gotten Mother Agencies, based upon centuries of financial extortion of the North Gate Estate to fund themselves and keep their hostile commercial industry activities going, has left the world in chaos. While wars are on the horizon due to Caucasian / European supremacy at North America, the competent world speculates what's next. The malicious activities continually conducted by hostile colonial commercial activities, with policy advocacy by the colonizers having gained historical political footing and major influence, has caused them to behave as if their insane activities will not be ending sooner than they think. Their efforts to refuse to stop their agency madness by shutting down the true sources, leaves the world wondering how prolonged foolishness is not going to remedy the colonizer karmic debt that must be paid now.

Economies have been predicted to be in turmoil based upon the world being totally tired of colonizers at North America continuing to agitate and oppress the people who they have fraudulently lived off of for centuries. Co-intel operations on North American soil are going to have no choice but to surrender when all is said and done concerning what has been undeniably long overdue in favour of the Al Moroccan / American natives of said 'African-descent'. Co-intel operations, like gang stalking agencies behind-the-scenes, have been under the strange impression that the universe and it's many intergalactic affinities have not been watching them completely while they falsely believe they are invincible because of all of the military power and technology they fraudulently amassed and abused without punishment. In retrospect, there has been extreme financial consequences that have yet to be fully reaped by Caucasians / Europeans at North America and they have no one else to blame but themselves as they have willingly (or unwillingly) participated in the fraud and deception, whether they knew it was wrong or not.

Once again the Moroccan Press Team is emphasizing that gang stalking activities at North America, throughout territories like Florida, will be fully punished by Divine Law by all who have been participating in it and for however long. No persons, no matter how powerful they believe themselves to be, can actually avoid their own karma, whether individually or collectively due to the many years of accumulation. Therefore, when the reap phase becomes so overwhelming to the colonial frauds at North America, they must remember that Justice must be served.

*This public editorial is a right to free press and freedom of expression and is the intellectual property of the Moroccan Press Team. And, although the author of this public post chooses the remain anonymous for obvious reasons, the Moroccan Press Team and the author still own any and all intellectual copyrights to all written content to this post and plagiarism is hereby prohibited / forbidden in any way, shape, or form, especially copying the lawful jurisprudence involved by freedom of the press and freedom of expression by international law standards, simply for colonizers of Caucasian / European-descent at North America to create propaganda, false narratives, 'fake news', and damaging slander and schisms against all aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent' at North America. All Rights Reserved.

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