International News of the Day: City of Orlando Police Kidnapped Al Moroccan Heir
Decades of Kidnapped Al Moroccan Heir Indigenous Peoples
CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE kidnapped Al Moroccan heir on the 4th Day of December 2023 [A.D.] at 2:03 am (Eastern Daylight Time) near a corporate colonial street called SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE on the corporate 'City of' bookkeeping records by colonizing administrators of primarily Caucasian / European-descent and the compromised persons of said 'African-descent', whom such colonizers have controlled and ruled over for decades. The CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT employees have proven to have been hostile towards aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccan / American heirs to the North Gate Estate / North America of said 'African-descent' for years. As a direct result of willful negligence conducted by three (3) employees with the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency, the heir victim was fraudulently misidentified due to a staged co-intel attack, initiated by James Baker [alleged Corporal] with the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency, under the direct Supervision of Eric Smith [alleged Police Chief]. The kidnapping of a rightful heir to the estate, seemingly stemmed from the heir simply conducting himself in Humanitarian national activities over the years, due to the extremely hostile and belligerent nature of CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT employees having historically targeted natural people of said 'African-descent' for Color-of-Law and Color-of-Authority activities throughout the territory. The corporate STATE OF FLORIDA colonial administration persons were placed on public notice back in 2022 [A.D.] concerning all aboriginal and indigenous 'Moors / Muurs' in the territory. In addition, the CITY OF ORLANDO current administrator, John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer, was already placed on public notice back in October 2021 [A.D.] concerning they very same targeted heir, who has been conspired against with malicious intent by the CITY OF ORLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT agency employees for the public record. Therefore, the blatant administrative human trafficking of the rightful heir, who was never a said "Subject" or "Resident" or "Minor" or "Ward" to the corporate STATE OF FLORIDA administration or any corporate STATE OF / State of, CITY OF / City of, or COUNTY OF / County of colonial administration for that matter, as clearly made as public International Press Release by Pope Francis himself by General Civil Orders 2013 / 2014 [A.D.] - General Order 100. The General Civil Orders directive from the Pope has been posted as public notice for over ten (10) years to date, therefore, the Color-of-Law and Color-of-Authority practices historically conducted by CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT employees and COUNTY OF ORANGE SHERIFF'S OFFICE employees, has been inexcusable and must be immediately remedied by the supreme law of the land clause within the Constitution for the united states of America Republic / united States of America Republic 1791 [A.D.].
Original Article Date: 26 January 2024 [A.D.]
Update August 21, 2024: After the corporate CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT AGENCY employee frauds stole his personal national identification card back on 4 December 2023, in recent days, the racketeering policy-enforcing agency employees may have been divulging 'Ilhahi Bey's' private, personal information to local corporate agencies and so-called "charity" agencies by Color-of-Law conspiracy, as local agencies have been invading people's right to privacy with high-tech cameras equipped with audio recording (without true consent from their clients / patrons / alleged Customers) for their utilizing basic services like showers and the like. Policy-enforcing agencies (Police / POLICE) do such things due to their not having any jurisdiction over the aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccan / American natives thus they retaliate by trying to compile their compound fraud to cause rightful heirs to the estate some sort of injury, for which they will be held accountable for sooner rather than later.
On the early morning hours of the 4th Day of December 2023 [A.D.], around 2:03 am (Eastern Daylight Time), City of Orlando Police Kidnapped Al Moroccan Heir. 'Ilhahi Bey' was approached by James Baker [alleged Corporal] with the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency. Upon his blatantly trespassing upon 'Ilhahi Bey', after the aboriginal and indigenous heir of said 'African-descent' placed the CITY OF ORLANDO's administrator, John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer, on permanent public notice by an International Color-of-Law Violations Warning back in October 2021 [A.D.], James Baker, along with two (2) of his colleagues / co-workers / cohorts, practiced blatant and willful Color-of-Law by deprivation of rights - United States Codes of Law - Title 18, Section 242 and conspiracy against rights - United States Codes of Law - Title 18, Section 241. 'Ilhahi Bey' desperately attempted to stand his ground and exercise his right to privacy, only to have been blatantly kidnapped by James Baker and his cohorts, who all witnessed the national identification card(s) held by 'Ilhahi Bey' during the incident. The rightful heir was kidnapped due to sleeping outside on the hard concrete upon his own land / estate without injuring anyone or causing any problems, for which the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency administrators and employees, along with the CITY OF ORLANDO, administered by John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer, and his City Council persons staff, consisting primarily of Caucasians / Europeans, mixed, and compromised persons of said 'African-descent', who take orders from the colonial administrators, who knowingly and willingly plague the North Gate Estate / North America with pretentious and extremely arrogant administrative human traffickers pretending that they are dealing with criminals when gang stalking and harassing competent and active aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans of said 'African-descent', just as they have already done to 'Ilhahi Bey' back in December 2023 [A.D.] and 26 January 2021 [A.D.] by a fraudulent trespassing ordinance against the very same heir to the estate. The overall objective of the grand conspiracy and willing racketeering against 'Ilhahi Bey', committed by his colonial oppressors still operating via (and profiting extremely off of) the North Gate Estate / North America via the C'est De Que Vie Trust operations extorting the estate and funding military branches like the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency to privately (and publicly) oppress and persecute the rightful heirs to the estate, who have always been Jus Sanguinis.
The corporate STATE OF FLORIDA administrators were already publicly notified of the rightful heir to the estate in the area and should have immediately placed the rightful heir on their "DO NOT DETAIN" list for every corporate CITY OF / City of and their COUNTY OF / County of municipality administrations (especially COUNTY CORRECTIONAL DEPARTMENTS like COUNTY OF ORANGE / ORANGE COUNTY). However, by State administrators willful negligence and complete disregard to their absolute obligation to the Constitution for the united states of America Republic / united States of America Republic 1791 [A.D.], under which they all took public or private office (by Oath or Affirmation), 'Ilhahi Bey' has suffered tremendous injury under the fraudulent administrative human trafficking circumstances he was forced into under total Threat, Duress, and Coercion conducted against himself by employees with the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agents and the CITY OF ORLANDO COUNCIL persons still feigning as said "government", even against competent and conscious heirs, who simply conduct themselves as peacefully as possible and want to be left in peace by the extreme colonizers still doing their best to control rightful heirs upon their own estate. The fraudulent subjugation of aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans raises immediate and serious political concerns involving the lawful international remedies that have always been in place against colonial oppressors at North America, along with their helpers of said 'African-descent'. The penalties prescribed for trafficking in persons by United States Codes of Law - Title 18, Chapter 77 is but a starting point to what policy-enforcers / Police and their COUNTY OF / County of CORRECTIONAL DEPARTMENT staff and employees and guards [alleged Correctional Officers] have always been subject to at North America (*See Article VI within the Constitution for the united states of America Republic / united States of America Republic 1791 [A.D.]). Ignorance of the supreme law of the land, constantly committed by Police, said 'Sheriff's and / or Correctional Facility Guards, has never been an excuse for the plethora of colonizers (and their helpers of said 'African-descent') still doing their best to keep Al Moroccan / American native heirs enslaved by hostile commerce via Color-of-Office fraudulent Statutes, Ordinances, Codes that clearly violate the rights of those who are truly innocent and have not committed any real crimes (as in Corpus Delecti with lawful and valid claims, verified by competent jurisdiction and lawful federal and / or international courts operating at North America and abroad).
As a direct result of the kidnapping of 'Ilhahi Bey' on 4 December 2023 [A.D.], his private property, consisting of a backpack with his national Moroccan flag in it, a laptop, various clothing items, phone and laptop chargers, private national documents, a postal box key, a flash drive with various private international documents, and his National Seal for the Flores / Florida Republic territory, his backpack was unlawfully seized and searched by the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency employees, which was of course without consent. In addition, 'Ilhahi Bey's' property was blatantly stolen by the Police employees and taken to one of their Police barracks locations. The involved policy-enforcers / Police also conspired against 'Ilhahi Bey' to blatantly misidentify the rightful heir as some LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS Straw-Name, so they could fraudulently "admit" 'Ilhahi Bey' to COUNTY OF ORANGE / ORANGE COUNTY CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT facility, located at: 3723 VISION BOULEVARD, CITY OF ORLANDO, STATE OF FLORIDA [32802].
To add insult to the kidnapping injury suffered by 'Ilhahi Bey', the alleged "Correctional Facility" willingly took part in the kidnapping fraud by quite a few of the facility employees (over ten (10) at least), within the Prisoner of War confinement BOOKING AND RELEASING DEPARTMENT, as well as within the RECORDS MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, conspiring entirely against 'Ilhahi Bey' by administrative human trafficking endeavors to hold the rightful heir hostage for ransom under the Straw-Name: LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS, Booking / Inmate # 23031211. Under the fraudulently opened account, by COUNTY OF ORANGE / ORANGE COUNTY staff persons, who aided and abetted CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agents / employees in the kidnapping of 'Ilhahi Bey', the Straw-Name fraudulently attached against 'Ilhahi Bey', was charged with corporate CITY OF / City of and STATE OF / State of colonial ordinances identified as follows:
For the permanent and public record, any and all corporate STATE, CITY, and COUNTY Statutes, Ordinances, and Codes, administered by any such colonial occupying body politic or agency d / b / a any POLICE DEPARTMENT / AGENCY or COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE corporation (never was said "government"), was NEVER applicable to any and all aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccan native and rightful heirs of said 'African-descent', regardless of the many WANT OF JURISDICTION claims continually made by, and fraudulently administered by, any and all such administrative human trafficking agency persons plaguing the land / estate with feifdom-based and incentivised financial fraud (which has NO Statue of Limitations for immediate penalties and punishments prescribed by the supreme law of the land remedies belonging to Al Moroccan / American heirs ONLY at North America). It has been with extreme prejudice against all natural people of said 'African-descent' at North America, that all corporations / agencies still conducting fraudulent and extremely belligerent commerce on North American soil, be held immediately and extremely accountable for their willful negligence commercial mercenary endeavors. The kidnapping of 'Ilhahi Bey' is but a prime example of the serious dilemmas still taking place by colonizers at North America and lawful remedy is being sought and demanded immediately for the aboriginal and indigenous rightful heirs of said 'African-descent' at North America.
While 'Ilhahi Bey' was held hostage under the fraudulent Straw-Name: LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS, which has absolutely nothing to do with him as a genuine natural person and Al Moroccan native heir, he was subjected to cruel and unusual punishments by staff, administrators, and Correctional Facility Guard employees, who made it their priority to oppress and persecute the rightful heir, who was fraudulently subjected to WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT from the very beginning of the ordeal, where he was starved / malnourished and intentionally misclassified as a "Black Male", which lawfully means Civil Litre Mortuus (Dead in the Eyes of the Law), rather than the Human Being that 'Ilhahi Bey' truly is, as well as an upright Al Moroccan heir to the North Gate Estate / North America. He was also misclassified under some sort of "PSY-OPS / BLACK-OPS" internal prison conspiracy and fraudulent status, to deem his flesh and blood being as "incompetent" and unable to address the Color-of-Law, Color-of-Authority, and kidnapping agenda forced against himself by various persons operating through the OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER, 435 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, Suite 400, CITY OF ORLANDO, STATE OF FLORIDA administration colony persons, as well as the LAW OFFICES OF Robert Wesley operating at the very same location for human trafficking endeavors.
The Caucasian / European colonial entourage (and their helpers of said 'African-descent') did their best to brand the Al Moroccan Heir as "Black" and a so-called "Sovereign Citizen", which 'Ilhahi Bey' never was, nor was he ever a 14th or 15th Amendment Citizen, a State Resident, a City Resident, or a County Resident at North America, as fraudulently attempted by the colonizing STATE OF / State of, CITY OF / City of, and COUNTY OF / County of administration operators perpetuating fraud-for-profits by racketeering to the extreme at North America. He DOES NOT have any Driver's License with any State under the UNITED STATES or any other type of State / state, whether international or domestic, only his Allodial Nationality Card (shown as the primary image of this post), which was stolen by CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT commercial mercenaries (led by James Baker) operating under Eric Smith [alleged Police Chief] and the John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer colonial administration. The LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS Straw-Name Account is a total fraud and Void Ab Initio, created by co-intel colonizers to try to keep 'Ilhahi Bey' under corporate, colonial jurisdiction for administrative human trafficking purposes. The colonizers also attempted to misidentify 'Ilhahi Bey' as the JOHN DOE / DOE, JOHN (dead / deceased persons) standard administrative human trafficking account, when they fraudulently create jurisdiction over natural people, who they otherwise have no jurisdiction over. The JOHN DOE / DOE, JOHN Straw-Name Account is a desperation attack for policy-enforcers / Police / POLICE employees to legally effectuate fraud against anyone who they have no jurisdiction over. This deception has been done for decades against not only rightful heirs of said 'African-descent' at North America, but also against Caucasian / European naturalized citizens. In addition, the colonial oppressive entourage collectively operates via IN THE COUNTY COURT, NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA. The victim, 'Ilhahi Bey', was fraudulently appointed (by deceptive force) an alleged PUBLIC DEFENDER / ATTORNEY by the name of WIDNER SAINT-CYR, to the Straw-Name fraudulently attached to his natural being thus creating the trafficking in persons crime against ALL involved parties / persons, who have been deemed to KNOW the supreme law of the land under any License for which they ALL practice law upon the North Gate Estate / North America, for the public record. The two (2) Magistrates assigned to the COUNTY OF ORANGE / ORANGE COUNTY tribunal cases are as follows:
K Douglas Walker, CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION and his contributing said 'Judicial Assistant', Deborah "Debbie" Boxley - administering the fraudulent CITY ORDINANCES: CR-PROVIDING FALSE ID TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFF. and CR-RESISTING OFFICER WITHOUT VIOLENCE
The fraudulent tribunal Case Numbers assigned to the fraudulent CITY ORDINANCES are as follows:
Case Number: 2023-MO-008341-A-O
Case Number: 2023-MO-001930-A-O
It is to be made publicly known that the aforementioned fraudulent STATE OF / State of, CITY OF / City of, and COUNTY OF / County of, tribunal cases for administrative human trafficking purposes, to blatantly commit trafficking in persons against 'Ilhahi Bey', fraudulently misidentified as a LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS Straw-Name persons, by utter deception from STATE OF, CITY OF, and COUNTY OF colonizing administrator persons, must be dismissed immediately and lawful remedy immediately afforded to 'Ilhahi Bey' as international law entitlements (including, but not limited to), full financial reparations, along with punitive damages as he has been part and parcel to his land / estate at North America for a long time, where he suffered domestic and international law violations by corporate, colonial frauds who collectively caused a rightful heir to the estate serious injury, with serious punishments and penalties already prescribed by international laws in place, as well as by domestic United States Codes of Law for federal effectuation against any and all liable culprits and parties / persons, who took part in the kidnapping of 'Ilhahi Bey' and who fraudulently took part in human trafficking administration for colonial profiteering endeavors as 'Moorish Subjects' under the lawful North Gate Estate / North America circumstances of colonial occupation since the 1800s [A.D.]. It is also to be made publicly known that 'Ilhahi Bey's' private property, in the form of his Allodial Nationality Card (*See United States Codes of Law - Title 18, Section 1028 regarding national identification cards), which the involved policy-enforcers / Police with the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency employees blatantly ignored by extreme willful negligence, as the kidnappers witnessed his national identity card(s) that were in his wallet at the time of the kidnapping on 4 December 2023 [A.D.], as well as back on 26 January 2021 [A.D.], when the rightful heir experienced a similar kidnapping initiated by Felix Torres with CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION [AUTHORITY] D / B / A LYNX for the public record. All public notices have been served to All proper parties of interest, operating via the STATE OF FLORIDA, CITY OF ORLANDO, and COUNTY OF ORANGE and held as public record through this free press and public notice national website. For public review of such public records, visit: All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice.
The colonizing Caucasians / Europeans responsible for the ongoing administrative human trafficking against Al Moroccan Heir indigenous peoples of said 'African-descent', has always stemmed from foreign negotiable instruments (i.e. bottomry instruments) fraudulently integrated by Democracy Party Whigg-a-Moor historical deceivers, who have been obsessed with sustaining Driver's License fraud for commerce only (not for genuine identification), Birth Certificate (as in stock market property securities for financial gains) fraud for chattel property claims, and Social Security Number Accounts for financially accounting the collective fraud against all natural people of said 'African-descent' at North America. It is this very semantic deceit that has kept colonizers in power for over a century and a half at North America, which also gained them military powers and resources, over the course of decades, to publicly and privately oppress, persecute, and human traffick aboriginal and indigenous peoples all over the world.
As far as the discrepancy that consists of aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccan / American rightful heirs to the estate having been gang stalked by co-intel persons via agencies like CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT, Notice to Any Principals Is Notice to All Agents and Notice to Any Agents Is Notice to All Principals. The national identity card displayed via the main image to this post, was indeed stolen by CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency employees, in an attempt to hide the federal and international crimes they have committed against 'Ilhahi Bey' by the very principles of crimes against humanity and blatant acts of genocide against the aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccan / American heirs of said 'African-descent', who have always been rightful heirs to the North Gate Estate / North America. Justice for the rightful heir must be served against all involved parties to 'Ilhahi Bey's' kidnapping and having been held hostage recently from 4 December 2023 [A.D.] to 16 / 17 January 2024 [A.D.] under a corporate Straw-Name fiction, on paper and now digitally, by covert human trafficking databases that have been administered to intentionally and fraudulently misclassify Al Moroccans / 'Moors' / 'Muurs' / American natives as "Sovereign Citizens" (oxymoron by definition) through co-intel propaganda and similar to National Criminal Information Systems (NCIS), LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS, which 'Ilhahi Bey' never was, whether through the corporate STATE OF FLORIDA or any other corporate 'STATE OF / State of' colonial operations for that matter. For the permanent and public record, 'Ilhahi Bey' was never any "Sovereign Citizen," as commonly used by policy-enforcers / Police (and even used by some COUNTY OF / County of 'Sheriff' persons and / or [Correctional Facility Guards] playing the co-intel game). It is also to be made publicly known that while 'Ilhahi Bey' was held hostage at the Prisoner of War Human Trafficking facility known as ORANGE COUNTY CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT / ORANGE COUNTY CORRECTIONS / ORANGE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY / ORANGE COUNTY JAIL, located in the CITY OF ORLANDO, STATE OF FLORIDA, administered by Cornita A Riley [alleged Chief to the facility], that his fingerprints were stolen by staff and employees operating via COUNTY OF ORANGE / ORANGE COUNTY CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT and fraudulently attached to the LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS Straw-Name fiction account, who threatened him with physical violence, including threats to tase and pepper spray him if he refused, while his natural person was forced into the facility's so-called "Booking Department" for the financial extortion consisting of fraudulent charges of approximately 100.00 FRNs [$US] (2.25 FRNs / per day), totaling approximately forty-five (45) days of 'Ilhahi Bey' having been held hostage. To date, 'Ilhahi Bey's' private property was never returned to him as the policy-enforcing / Police employees, under the CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency, have been keeping it under the LUCAS MASTERS / MASTERS, LUCAS Straw-Name fiction account, so as to Obstruct Justice due specifically to 'Ilhahi Bey'. Below is a photo of James Baker, who is / was the initiator of the kidnapping, which injured 'Ilhahi Bey' and must be remedied by domestic and international laws in place for supreme law of the land justice for a rightful heir to the estate.
*Photo of James Baker out of uniform. He is a CITY OF ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT agency employee and was the one who initiated the kidnapping of 'Ilhahi Bey' on 4 December 2023 [A.D.] at 2:03 am (Eastern Daylight Time) next to a corporation called SIMON IMAGING, located off of the corporate Street called: SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE, CITY OF ORLANDO, STATE OF FLORIDA.
*This editorial is the intellectual property of the Moroccan Press Team. And, although the author of this public post chooses the remain anonymous for obvious reasons, the Moroccan Press Team and the author still own any and all intellectual copyrights to all written content to this post and plagiarism is hereby prohibited / forbidden in any way, shape, or form, especially copying the lawful jurisprudence involved by freedom of the press and freedom of expression by international law standards, simply for colonizers of Caucasian / European-descent at North America to create propaganda, false narratives, 'fake news', and damaging slander and schisms against all aboriginal and indigenous Al Moroccans / Americans of said 'African-descent' at North America. All Rights Reserved.